A lot of people have been asking me, "Christine, what is a good website for my kids or grandkids who are just beginning school?"
Well today I'm going to tell you about PebbleGo.
You can access PebbleGo on the Elgin County Library Website under 'Research' and 'Database by Subejct'. PebbleGo is listed under 'For Kids

PebbleGo is a great resource for kids in grades K - 3. What it is is a way for kids to learn more about the world.
Click Read More to find out more about this great database.
There are two sections; Animals and Earth and Space. In this post I'm just going to talk about Animals (Look for future posts about Earth and Space and the other cool things about PebbleGo!)
When you click on the 'Animals' section, it'll take you to a list of all different kinds of creatures and tyopics. You can learn about anything from Endangered Species to Cocker Spaniels!
There are many different things you can do with PebbleGo. If your child isn't a very strong reader, by click on any of the parts I circled in red, the information can be read to them, or they can watch a video about the topic.
To continue to the next page, just click on the arrows I circled in purple.

And that's all there is to it!
Have fun exploring this amazing resource with your children or grandchildren!

6/2/2012 08:35:45 pm


Kiara Smith
10/26/2016 03:30:20 pm



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